Project 1: Introduction to Me

tell something about me

Another thing about me

Assignment: Binary Spreadsheets

100 words about what I did.. if you struggle, do stpe by step

Assignment 2: Binary Spreadsheet

100 words describing what I did... etc etc etc

Assignment 12 - My friendship picture

assignment 14 - math translations, reflections, rotations

write about what we did

Assignment 14 - Math Translocation, Reflection, Rotation

picture of gas how molecules look in a gas state. how i made the program. what code i used.

Assignmnet 19 - How I am goin gto take a revolution an take over th eworld.

I used the code to change backgrounds so it looked like th esprite was walking around the world. I used the moveXY block to make the sprite move. I used this code to do this and that code to do that etc. I am not writing about my topic here, I am describing how my code works here.